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Sunday, May 17, 2009


So i've been quite busy the last several days; Ick has killed my Bala shark and my two guppies, but its ok. My brackish water tank is set up, and i have 3 minows, a dragonfish, and my two crabs in there. the dragon fish is pretty shy, he stays in this cave i made for him, and the minows stay there also. the guy at the store told me they ate minows, but after i done some reasearch, nope, they dont; what i drag though, cause i was up for some carnage ya'know. My rainbow shark is becomming more and more aggressive. he still attacks my plecos, and and attacking the angelfish more and more. i've decided to get anothr angelfish so the one i have wont be alone ya'know, this way they can double team on my rainbow shark. I think i also might get another Silver Tipped Shark for the brackish tank, i really wanted the stripped rapahels, but, O well. This time my shark wont die because i listened to some ignorant pet store employee...i think im gonna write a blog about pet store employees...i think i will.

Dragon Fish (Violet Goby)

Silver Tipped Catfish (Columbian Shark)


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Just the usual

Well Im over the death of my good pal Sho-nuff, and i've set up my new tank called crab island. is going to be brackish and im getting a sea dragon, violet goby, to put in there. right now i have one crab in it, and im about to put my other crab in it. it has sand substrate, and a cave i made out of rocks that emerges about a few inches above the water. Im gonna end up covering the rock in sand, this way they can climb out and bask on it like it were a real beach; awesome right? Its a 20 gallon long, im sure it would look reallllly good. Everyone whose been to my house so far likes the set up, im goin to eventually take some pictures and put on here today...if i can find my camera. But this weekend I think im going to get another Plecos and if any pet stores around here has any crabs, ill get a bunch more crabs, ya'dig. I cant wait till im done building my 180 Gallon. Anyone that wants me to build them a tank, lemme know, ill build you one; of course im going to charge you, but not an arm and a leg.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

R.I.P Sho-nuff

Well last night before i went to bed Sno-nuff my silver tipped shark started acting wired, like swimming vertical and floating down to the gravel, but then would get a burst of energy and swim around. but when i woke up this morning he was laying in the gravel in the corner, so i think he passed. im really upset because it was the fish i always wanted, and now its dead. Freakin' pet store guy told no no brackish water for it, when i knew it needs to be in brackish water......fagget it. Ill have to go get another one, my first fish that died....well technically the second, cause i still cant find that other guppy.

Name: Sho-nuff Smokey Robinson
Age: Unknown
Survived by: His friends Bruce, Louie, and Chico

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Today hasnt been al that interesting, but my fish seem to be getting along....except for the fact that one of them is missing. My girlfriends' sister bought to fancy guppies last week to put into it, but all of a sudden, one of them dissapeared yesturday. i've looked all through my fishtank and i cant find it at all. its really pissing me off, not cause its gone, but because i dont know how it dissapeard. i dont know, but my other fish seem to be getting along and seem quite happy. My plecos is finally comming out more, and my silver tipped catfish is roaming around more. tomorrow they get to have some bloodworms, i know they're excited.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Well today i rearranged my 30 gallon cause i have adding a new fish. I got a silver tipped shark, also known as the silver tipped catfish. Its been doing really well, and im quite proud of it too. My rainbow shark has stopped bulling for the day also, and that's a relief. I thought i was going to have to put him in my 20 gallon by himself. The guy at the pet store said that the rainbow shouldnt be aggressive, but i think they are. I think they're just as aggressive as the redtails, and my redtail is quite peaceful.


Quite odd, right before i began writing this, i went to check on my plecos, and he was chillen on the glass; but as a stood there and watched him, my rainbow shark came out of nowhere and looked like he was attacking it, and my plecos wouldnt move! i had to slam my hand on the glass a couple times to break it up. That darn rainbow shark of mine is pissin me off. Like I dont feed him enough or sumthing. He just has to go around bullying all my fish, well ill tell you what; When i get my stripped raphael today and my silver tipped, then he wont be the boss anymore (hopefully)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Freshwater Tank

Call me a beginner if you want since this is my first official tank, but I've been researching for years. I have a 29 gallon and a 20 gallon right now but i'm in the process of building a 180 gallon tank. I think i might make that one a saltwater tank for my black banded cat shark. As of now in my 29 gallon, I have a Bala shark, a Rainbow shark, a Redtail shark, a Mickey Mouse fish, two fancy guppies, an Angelfish, two crabs, and a Plecos. They get along somewhat well, my my rainbow sharks loves chasing my redtail around too much. I feed them bloodworms everyother day, and tropical fish food twice a day. I have a power filter, and a heater set up, and lots of rocks and plants for my fish to hide. So as you can see, I pretty much got a good clue on what im doing. Tomorrow a striped rapheal catfish or a Silver tipped catfish will be the new editions to my freshwater tank. This weekend i will also be starting my small saltwater tank. I'm going to get some clown fish and a moray eel (dont know which kind yet) to place in that for now. Yes the 20 gallon is pretty small but i should have the 180 gallon built within a few weeks! Cant wait!