So i've been quite busy the last several days; Ick has killed my Bala shark and my two guppies, but its ok. My brackish water tank is set up, and i have 3 minows, a dragonfish, and my two crabs in there. the dragon fish is pretty shy, he stays in this cave i made for him, and the minows stay there also. the guy at the store told me they ate minows, but after i done some reasearch, nope, they dont; what i drag though, cause i was up for some carnage ya'know. My rainbow shark is becomming more and more aggressive. he still attacks my plecos, and and attacking the angelfish more and more. i've decided to get anothr angelfish so the one i have wont be alone ya'know, this way they can double team on my rainbow shark. I think i also might get another Silver Tipped Shark for the brackish tank, i really wanted the stripped rapahels, but, O well. This time my shark wont die because i listened to some ignorant pet store employee...i think im gonna write a blog about pet store employees...i think i will.

gon Fish (Violet Goby)
Silver Tipped Catfish (Columbian Sh
