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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Just the usual

Well Im over the death of my good pal Sho-nuff, and i've set up my new tank called crab island. is going to be brackish and im getting a sea dragon, violet goby, to put in there. right now i have one crab in it, and im about to put my other crab in it. it has sand substrate, and a cave i made out of rocks that emerges about a few inches above the water. Im gonna end up covering the rock in sand, this way they can climb out and bask on it like it were a real beach; awesome right? Its a 20 gallon long, im sure it would look reallllly good. Everyone whose been to my house so far likes the set up, im goin to eventually take some pictures and put on here today...if i can find my camera. But this weekend I think im going to get another Plecos and if any pet stores around here has any crabs, ill get a bunch more crabs, ya'dig. I cant wait till im done building my 180 Gallon. Anyone that wants me to build them a tank, lemme know, ill build you one; of course im going to charge you, but not an arm and a leg.

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