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Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Freshwater Tank

Call me a beginner if you want since this is my first official tank, but I've been researching for years. I have a 29 gallon and a 20 gallon right now but i'm in the process of building a 180 gallon tank. I think i might make that one a saltwater tank for my black banded cat shark. As of now in my 29 gallon, I have a Bala shark, a Rainbow shark, a Redtail shark, a Mickey Mouse fish, two fancy guppies, an Angelfish, two crabs, and a Plecos. They get along somewhat well, my my rainbow sharks loves chasing my redtail around too much. I feed them bloodworms everyother day, and tropical fish food twice a day. I have a power filter, and a heater set up, and lots of rocks and plants for my fish to hide. So as you can see, I pretty much got a good clue on what im doing. Tomorrow a striped rapheal catfish or a Silver tipped catfish will be the new editions to my freshwater tank. This weekend i will also be starting my small saltwater tank. I'm going to get some clown fish and a moray eel (dont know which kind yet) to place in that for now. Yes the 20 gallon is pretty small but i should have the 180 gallon built within a few weeks! Cant wait!

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