I have been in love with
sharks since i was a little one. The way they glide through the water; their tendencies to be aggressive, bossy, and in control. They are quite the opposite of boring.
Sharks are a type of
fish believe it or not, with a full cartilaginous skeleton. They breathe through the use of their 5-7 gills. They range in sizes from 7 inches to almost 40 feet! Some
sharks live around 20 to 30 years, but others can live up to a hundred years old.
Sharks have been alive for almost 450 million years, isn't that amazing?
Here are some freshwater sharks that you can have in your tank and some info about them also.

Name: Red Tail Shark or the Red Tail Black Shark
Habitat: Thailand
Size: Around 6''
Water temperature: 73-78 degrees Fahrenheit
Lifespan: 5- 8 Years
Tank Size: At least 10 gallons
Diet: Scavenger/ Omnivore

Name: Rainbow Shark or the Red Fin Shark
Habitat: Thailand
Size: At leave 12"
Water Temperature:
Lifespan: 5-8 years
Tank Size: At least a 30 gallon, but will do best in a 55 gallon
Diet: Herbivore

Name: Bala Shark or the Silver Shark
Size: 14"
Water Temperature: 72- 82 degrees Fahrenheit
Lifespan: 8-10 years
Tank Size: Will do best in a 55 gallon
Diet: Omnivore